
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Beef Enchiladas and Teriyaki Chicken

Yesterday, I made the Beef Enchiladas (made one, froze one because I ran out of time Sunday) and served it with tortilla chips.  I normally prefer Chicken Enchiladas but I have to say, these were the best beef enchiladas I've ever had or made.  I did use 2 cups of cheese on this recipe and the recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups, but feel free to do what you want to fit your family.  Recipe is under the blog entry title Recipes.  Enjoy!!

Today I made the Teriyaki Chicken (recipe on previous blog post titled Recipes) from the freezer in the crockpot.  No defrosting, just straight in the crockpot on low all day.  It is so delicious!  I served it with steamed rice and asparagus.  On the rice, I use my rice cooker.  Just add equal parts water to equal parts rice, salt and pepper to taste, and a few bay leaves.  I love bay leaves in my rice and if you have peppercorns, it's delicious in place of the ground pepper.  Of course, if you don't have a rice cooker, use the rice you want and add the bay leaves to it.   Be sure to remove the peppercorns and leaves before serving.  My rice cooker has a steam basket, so I just washed half a bundle of fresh asparagus and that way I didn't have to eat much of the rice since I am watching my starches.  To prepare esparagus, you just bend the stalks hold each end and let it snap naturally.  Throw away the bottom part.  This is definitely a satisfying meal for the family!  Try'll love this and so will your kids.  Shhh....don't tell them it's healthy!

Matthew 25:35I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

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