
Monday, January 7, 2013

Back to School

What a day!  First day back to our schoolwork, and it went great.  I am a certified teacher in Oklahoma and Texas, but for now, I choose to home-school my kids.  My oldest in now in college, but I still have a freshman and junior in high school that I teach at home.  I love it!  It is challenging at times, but I feel it will be worth it in the long run.  God told me to home-school and when He laid it on my heart over 7 years ago, I thought He was mixing me up with someone else!  LOL!  But after almost a year of praying and wrestling with myself, I took the plunge   My husband was on board from the beginning.  Anyway, great first day after the holidays.  Now we count down till Spring Break!  LOL!

Well, onto what you probably care about more, a new recipe.  Tonight, I made pork chops and bacon wrapped asparagus.  I'm trying to loose weight so I didn't make a starch, like mashed potatoes or rice, but it would be delicious with it.  If my boys were home, I would have made one of those for sure! it is...

You will need:

Extra virgin Olive Oil
Thin sliced boneless pork chops
Dried basil
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Wash asparagus.  You can cut the ends of the asparagus off, or use a trick I learned many years  ago and bend till it breaks.  I did cut about an inch of the bottom this time to make the asparagus all the same size.  Cut the bacon slices in half.  Drizzle olive oil and season your asparagus with only pepper.  It will get enough salt from the bacon.  Wrap the asparagus with bacon. Kind of stretch as you wrap and the bacon will stay put.  Place on a cookie pan lined with foil and sprayed with olive oil spray.  Place pork chops on pan and season with salt, pepper, and sprinkle dried basil on each chop.  Place in oven for 25-30 minutes until chops are done and bacon has crispy edges.

If you notice on the picture, I decided to place one unwrapped asparagus in between wrapped ones.  It still has the great flavor without the bacon....just allows you to have more asparagus on the plate without eating so much bacon...but hey...if you want, ALL can be wrapped!  LOL!

Just out of the oven.

On the plate....because my husband needs a little more...I baked some yeast  dinner rolls to go with it.  And like I said above, you can add your favorite rice or mashed potatoes or baked potato if you'd like!  Would be delish!!


Please comment if you make this for your family or friends.  I'd love to hear from you!

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.  Revelation 3:20

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